Mirrormoor Metamorphosis

400 Crown Gems
8000 Seals of Endeavors


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"I find peace and soul's release when casting on the 'moor. With oiled skin, reflections spin, mirror's grace implored. A shimmer here, a glimmer there, my form reflects the light. Forever lost, forever found, mirror's fated knight."—Lost in Mirrormoor

About the Crown Store

Crown Store items are purchased in the in-game Crown Store. To buy any of the Crown Store's special items, you'll need crowns, a virtual in-game currency. Crowns can be purchased in packs of 750, 1500, 3000, 5500, 14000, and 21000 Crowns. In addition, you can get a monthly allotment of crowns by signing up for an ESO Plus™ membership. Learn more about member benefits.

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